Your Best Year Ever
…Coaching Insights
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Living Your Best Year Ever is a lifelong process of reflecting on who you are, what matters to you most, and continually adjusting so your world reflects a life that is uniquely yours.
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Unveiling Your Values: Crafting Your Path to Authenticity
Our journey through life is an exploration of self-discovery and growth, guided by the compass of our values.
In the words of Dr. John Demartini,
"If you don't liberate yourself from things you don't value, you devalue yourself."
Our journey through life is an exploration of self-discovery and growth, guided by the compass of our values. If you are ready to live Your Best Year Ever, it's time to dive deep into understanding and embracing your values.
What Are Values, Really?
Values are the essence of who we are. They're not mere beliefs or morals, but qualities and ways of being that reflect our true selves. These values aren't aspirational; they're the fibres woven into the tapestry of our lives. Dr. John Demartini suggests a unique approach to identifying core values: "What does my life demonstrate?" versus who and what you aspire to be. Your actions, choices, and behaviours unveil the true colours of your values.
The Evolution of Values
As we journey through the chapters of our lives, values have a fascinating way of shifting in priority. What held utmost importance in our early 20s might now take a backseat in our 30s and 40s. Yet, the core value remains unwavering, even if its outward expression has transformed. It's like a river flowing through time, adapting to the terrain but remaining true to its source.
Exploring Your Values Strings
The process of defining your values can be challenging. It's common for individuals to become entangled in intellectualization and daydreams. However, our aim is to guide them toward a profound introspection, peering into their daily lives to unearth the values that inherently reside there, shaping their actions and interactions.
This is precisely why the approach of selecting values from a predetermined list often falls short. The list can inadvertently become a platform for choosing the most appealing or socially accepted values, rather than a tool for uncovering our authentic selves. Such selection can intensify the desire to rationalize and find the "perfect" words.
Authentic values, though, are palpable; they manifest in our actions and experiences.
A coach can play a powerful role in observing a client in their lives from a fresh vantage point, allowing these intrinsic values to naturally emerge. Through thought-provoking inquiries and relatable scenarios, coaches guide clients from the realm of contemplation into the realm of actual lived experiences. Values clarification coaching offers a secure yet bold space for clients to deeply examine and eloquently articulate their values.
While the precise wording holds significance in the long run, what truly matters initially is that the label attributed to each value resonates with you. Once defined, your values can help you harness the ability to make meaningful choices, craft strategic actions, and identify situations your values are being compromised.
Exploring Your Values Strings
Below are a few samples of values strings and how language plays a significant role in determining the resonance connection to your values. The power lies not just in the words themselves, but in the profound meanings you attach to them.
Person A's Journey: Unpacking Belonging and Commitment
Love - Belonging - Home - Connection - Safety - Commitment - Loyalty
For Person A, love isn't just a feeling—it's a tapestry of emotions interwoven with belonging, a sense of home, and unwavering loyalty. Each value in this string adds depth and dimension to their unique experience of love.
Person B's Voyage: Embracing Passion and Excitement
Love - Excitement - Fulfillment - Newness - Magic - Spark - Passion
Person B's values string tells a story of love entwined with excitement, the spark of new experiences, and the enchantment of magic. It's a symphony of emotions that shape their path.
Crafting Your Authentic Path
Embark on your journey of self-discovery through values exploration, where understanding your values becomes a compass guiding you to a fulfilling and authentic existence. #ValuesExploration
With confidence and clarity, you can step into each moment, living in alignment with what truly matters: your authentic values.