Finding Clarity
Who Are You Really?
Finding Clarity
Your Best Year Ever is all about finding out who you are and building a life that reflects your unique contributions to the world. It’s about defining your purpose and claiming a life that is truly yours.
Can you name your talents and innate gifts?
For many, naming and claiming your gifts will feel not only difficult but uncomfortable. If you’ve been taught that building a life around your gifts and passions is foolish, arrogant and unrealistic, this course is for you.
The only way to be truly fulfilled in your life is to do exactly this.
What aspects of your life are you ready to transform and align with your authentic self?
You will highlight the importance of knowing who you are so that you can create goals that are specific to you - you are not here to create Someone Else’s Best Year Ever. This is all about YOU. The real you.
“At the intersection where your gifts, talents and abilities meet a human need, therein you will discover your purpose.”
Course Highlights
Part 1: The Real You
Embrace self-discovery, breaking through societal norms, and celebrating the powerful aspects of your authentic self. This ongoing process is designed to be fun and insightful while guiding you to make changes for a more fulfilling life.
Part 2: Your Values
A journey of self-discovery and unraveling your core values empowers you with profound insights, providing a clear roadmap for making essential changes that lead to a life characterized by genuine fulfillment and authenticity.
Part 3: Your Future
Emphasis on the importance of alignment in goal-setting, urging you to connect decisions with their values, passions, gifts, and desires. The strategy involves envisioning a 30-year future and progressively narrowing down goals.
Videos & Slides
Assessments & Exercises
Review, Reflection & Resources